Kurutta Ippeji (1926, 衣笠貞之助) - 8/10
大路 (1934, 孫瑜) - 7/10
體育皇后 (1934, 孫瑜) - 6/10
新女性 (1934, 蔡楚生) - 6/10
Ossessione (1943, Luchino Visconti) - 8/10
Sanshiro Sugata (1943, 黑澤明) - 6/10
不了情 (1947, 桑弧) - 6/10
松花江上 (1947, 金山)- 6/10
太太萬歲 (1947, 桑弧) - 8/10
Hakkodasan (1977, 森谷司郎) - 5/10
The Cabinet of Jan Svankmajer (1984, Stephen Quay & Timothy Quay) - 6/10
Yari no gonza (1986, 篠田正浩) - 5/10
The Gate of Heavenly Peace (1995, Carma Hinton & Richard Gordon) - 8/10
Gojitmal (1999, Jang Sun-Woo) - 6/10
The Royal Tenenbaums (2001, Wes Anderson) - 7/10
La Meglio gioventù (2003, Marco Tullio Giordana) - 6/10
Vozvrashcheniye (2003, Andrei Zvyagintsev) - 7/10
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Movies watched in June 2005
Posted by Hui Man Cheong at 10:16 pm
Saturday, June 25, 2005
承接〈All-Time 百大影片〉一文。上回結語我說會「再談這份歷史悠久的《時代》雜誌更有品味的一面」,並不是指那張百大名單品味很差(很多影片我仍未看,根本無從置喙),只是對它近年越來越喜歡搞甚麼大選舉,有些不以為然;常以此等活動為噱頭與話題,不免令這份創辦於1923年的老牌雜誌,未來有淪為較豐富的《娛樂周刊》(Entertainment Weekly)或《人物》雜誌(People magazine)之流的可能。這並不單是我的見解,其實不少人都認同近年《時代》雜誌的水準已不及強敵《新聞周刊》,比如明顯的在國內雜誌獎項上落後。
不過苛責《時代》雜誌「自甘墮落」亦有不妥,不獨是它,如果觀察整個媒體發展情況(例如大報變小報,網上閱報者眾,內容圖多文字少之類),反而極可能與大勢所趨有關。終歸新聞雜誌除了提供資訊外,亦是面向大眾,反映世道的工具,社會文化日益淺薄,編輯們免不了會配合讀者口味。《紐約時報》專欄作者 David Brooks 早前就有評論,從以前《時代》雜誌一篇講海明威的文章談起,指今天雜誌中的「中檔」文化(middlebrow culture)大都已讓路給流行文化,藝術和智識都不及名人吸引。他說得對。
《時代》雜誌的悠長歷史,恰巧是時代的見証人;翻看八十多年以來的個個封面,電影導演的已教人目不暇給:永恆笑匠差利卓別靈;三十年代的 Cecil B. Demille 和 Frank Capra;大師英瑪褒曼(Ingmar Bergman);巨匠大衛連(David Lean);自編自導的活地亞倫;自七十年代開始雄踞美國的佐治魯卡斯(George Lucas)與史提芬‧史匹堡(這個八十年代英姿勃發的形象真不多見);鬼才大衛連治(David Lynch);到今日仍然活躍的名導 Mike Nichols ……
單單導演就這樣好看,其他封面上的名人更加不可勝計了。只要簡單地在搜尋器輸入要找的人和事,或者類別(我就是打 movie 找的),像是 literature、painter、musician 等,你就可以細細發掘一番。我翻看這些舊封面(尤其是那些用顏色鉛筆畫的像),一發思古幽情,已有莫大趣味。不過就如文化人 J. M. Tryee 所說,近十年的表頁了上已沒有甚麼嚴肅文學大家(算不錯了,鋼琴家我近五十年只找到一期霍洛維玆的)。究竟時代不同;我還是喜歡古舊的人與事,沉澱起來確實更有味道。
Posted by Hui Man Cheong at 8:46 am
Sunday, June 19, 2005
All-Time 百大影片
早陣子(五月下旬)美國《時代》雜誌(Time magazine)的影評人 Richard Corliss 與 Richard Schickel 選出了一張 「影史百大影片」(All-Time 100 Movies)名單,有不同地方的作品(但以美國為主)。當中有四部華語電影入圍:《俠女》、《霸王別姬》、《醉拳2》和《重慶森林》,日本則有《東京物語》(Tokyo Story, 1953)、《雨月物語》(Ugetsu, 1953)、黑澤明的《生之慾》(Ikiru, 1952)與《用心棒》(Yojimbo, 1961)中選。
最令人(是我)驚奇的是有三部印度電影上榜(實際數目是五套),除了有慣見的《The Apu Trilogy》 (1955, 1956, 1959)外,另有《Pyaasa》(1957)與《Nayakan》(1987)當選;可見隨印度經濟崛起,其文化也越得到重視。然而,驟眼看僅有兩部記錄片在陣:傑作《The Man With a Camera》(1929)和《Olympia, Parts 1 and 2》(1938),後者水準很高,但由於導演服務納粹的關係,通常絕跡於大多數選舉,今次我欣見它入選。
向來只翻看《新聞周刊》(Newsweek),因此不知道這兩位影評人水準品味如何。當然,他們選中了我的20大電影名單中的六部作品都很好(呵,有些自抬身價),但從其他途徑看到兩位過往部份的評論,不覺得他們特別高明;尤其是 Corliss ,似乎很欣賞奇觀式作品(spectacular)。我認為這名單與雜誌常做的如一百位最具影響力人物(World's 100 Most Influential People)之類的選舉相若,主要做來刺激銷量、引起話題,兩人之後要在連續多期解話,足見此評選亦甚為成功的變為 talk of the town,目的已達。
今次百大影片的最大價值,無疑是令我留意到一些不認識的作品,至於爭論哪些作品應該上榜云云,實在有些捉錯用神。有興趣可看看以下已特別放進我的 IMDb 「一定睇」(must-see)行列的電影:The Singing Detective (1986)、The Awful Truth (1937), The Crowd (1928), In a Lonely Place (1950), Léolo (1992), Mon oncle d'Amérique (1980), Mouchette (1967), Nayakan (1987), Pyaasa (1957), Sweet Smell of Success (1957)。嗯,下次再談這份歷史悠久的《時代》雜誌更有品味的一面。
Posted by Hui Man Cheong at 2:56 pm
Friday, June 17, 2005
More scientific tests to check the gender of your brain
Earlier in time, I had seen many bloggers posted a quiz from Blogthings.com (yes, again) to see whether you have a male brain or female brain. The quiz is "What Gender Is Your Brain?" I never tried because it is not that funny and intelligent enough.
Now, I would recommend another pair of tests which is more well-developed and scientific. Simon Baron-Cohen, director of the Autism Research Centre at the University of Cambridge, prepared these tests and the empathising-systemising (E-S) theory.
As you may get it right, he assumed that the female brain is predominantly connected for empathy, and that the male brain is predominantly hard-wired for understanding and building systems. He explained his idea concisely in an article from the Guardian in 2003. (Has Lawrence Summers read it before?)
You could try the tests, one for empathising quotient (EQ) and the other for systemising quotient (SQ). There are interactive Flash versions (but you are not allowed to change the answer) and primitive HTML versions for you. Though they are not short, you would find them worth playing. The results are divided into three types: a male brain, a female brain or a balanced brain.
On average, most women score about 47 and most men about 42 in the EQ test. In the SQ quiz, women score about 24 and men score about 30 usually. But I scored only 25 and 17 respectively. Ha, I hope it means a balanced brain, rather than a dysfunctional one.
Posted by Hui Man Cheong at 1:10 am
Friday, June 10, 2005
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
The keys to your heart
Well... it is another quiz from Blogthings.com. My result -
1. You are attracted to obedience and warmth.
2. In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved.
3. You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.
4. You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.
5. Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.
6. Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
7. You think of marriage pessimistically. You don't think happy marriages exist anymore.
8. In this moment, you think of love as something you don't need. You just feel like flirting around and playing right now.
Personally, it could not provide reference as the result in "What kind of soul are you?" I choose to post it here because, first of all, it is interesting and short (you have to select eight kinds of animals only). Also you are able to check out each question separately, find out the actual meaning of a creature.
Remember, it is just a little game. Pick a question as the topic for small talk among your friends, or post one on your blog—this quiz could be used for eight times. (Available in Chinese too, though the translation is not quite accurate...)
Posted by Hui Man Cheong at 1:28 am
Saturday, June 04, 2005
在電郵談文說樂 之一
Posted by Hui Man Cheong at 2:47 am
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Movies watched in May 2005
Rescued from an Eagle's Nest (1908, J. Searle Dawley) - 4/10
Das Kabinett des Doktor Caligari (1920, Robert Wiene) - 8/10
Orphans of the Storm (1921, D.W. Griffith) - 7/10
The Phantom of the Opera (1925, Rupert Julian) - 7/10
The Docks of New York (1928, Josef von Sternberg) - 8/10
The Wind (1928, Victor Sjöström) - 9/10
野玫瑰 (1932, 孫瑜) - 5/10
天明 (1933, 孫瑜) - 6/10
小玩意 (1933, 孫瑜) - 6/10
姊妹花 (1934, 鄭正秋) - 6/10
浪淘沙 (1936, 吳永剛) - 6/10
夜半歌聲 (1937, 馬徐維邦) - 6/10
Roma, città aperta (1945, Roberto Rossellini) - 8/10
Ritual in Transfigured Time (1946, Maya Deren) - 6/10
Waga seishun ni kuinashi (1946, 黑澤明) - 7/10
清宮秘史 (1948, 朱石麟) - 7/10
Nijushi no hitomi (1954, 木下惠介) - 7/10
香車美人 (1959, 易文) - 6/10
Fuefukigawa (1960, 木下惠介) - 7/10
Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines (1965, Ken Annakin) - 7/10
A Woman Under the Influence (1974, John Cassavetes) - 9/10
A Fish Called Wanda (1988, Charles Crichton) - 8/10
Death and the Maiden (1994, Roman Polanski) - 6/10
Good Bye Lenin! (2003, Wolfgang Becker) - 6/10
Kingdom of Heaven (2005, Ridley Scott) - 5/10
Posted by Hui Man Cheong at 2:10 am