Monday, October 30, 2006


Animal Crackers (派對「賊」一番, 1930) ‧Victor Heerman
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Tokyo no yado (東京之宿, 1935) ‧小津安二郎
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Stalag 17 (戰地軍魂, 1953) ‧Billy Wilder
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The Great Escape (龍虎榜, 1963) ‧John Sturges
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A Bridge Too Far (英雄塚, 1977) ‧Richard Attenborough
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The Breakfast Club (早餐俱樂部, 1985) ‧John Hughes
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My Left Foot (無悔今生, 1989) ‧Jim Sheridan
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Musicals Great Musicals: The Arthur Freed Unit at MGM (1996)(TV) ‧David Thompson
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Ôdishon (切膚之愛, 1999) ‧三池崇史
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Le Goût des autres (遇見百分百巧合的愛情, 2000) ‧Agnés Jaoui
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